Habits You “Should” Break but Don’t Want To

Do you have any of these? Habits you know aren’t ideal but you think they make you happy so you just don’t give them up? I’m a full proponent of HAPPY and it leaves me wondering if breaking some of these habits would actually make me a happier person. The one I’m focused on right now is the best way to unwind and go to sleep.

I tend to watch a show on my phone or tablet right before bed. I know this is not ideal - the light, staying up too late, the chance that you watch just ONE more episode and it creeps in to your time to actually sleep. But I love it, it’s sometimes the only time I have by myself and I can totally zone out in a day.

There are a lot of other “bad” habits I flat out refuse to give up right now - my coffee and wine to be specific! But I think I could use some adjustment in the sleep arena. My goal is to wake up earlier in the morning, finding that “me” time in the dark silence of the house before the kids wake up and the house is on fire trying to get out the door. So I’m trying to substitute TV with light reading - Vanity Fair, Vogue, something interesting but not life altering, where you can close it mid sentence, as it lulls you in to calm and allows me to get the rest my body and mind REALLY need to wake up energized the next morning.

Any habit you’re willing to part with right now and substitute with a better one?

High performers cultivate joy by how they think, what they focus on, and how they engage in and reflect on their days. It’s a choice..jpg

I just downloaded High Performance Habits by Brendon Burchard and Atomic Habits by James Clear. I’m sure there will be more to come on this topic!


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Start of Fall